Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya
Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana (India) Pin- 131305
Accredited with 'B++' grade by NAAC
A State University established by an Act of Haryana Legislature & recognized by U.G.C. under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the U.G.C. Act 1956

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Saturday, 08 February 2025

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Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine & Science
Faculty of Ayurvedic Medicine
M.S.M. Institute of Ayurveda
4-1/2 Years followed by rotatory Internship of one year
Modeof Admission 
Through Central Counseling Rank Obtained in the Entrance test conducted by the Government Agency, (so no need to apply through this admission brochure)
60 + 15 (EWS)
The candidate must have Passed 10+2 class or an Examination recognized asEquivalent with at least 33% Marks in each subject i.e.English, physics, Chemistry and biology (botany & Zoology) in theory and practical separately and 50%marks in aggregate in these subject. The candidate should also have passed Sanskrit as an elective subject of at least 100marks. Note: Uttarmadhyam of Sampoornanada Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varansi with Science (Biology Group) and English are also Eligible. Candidates passing qualifying examination from National open School are eligible provided they fulfill the eligibility condition given above. Candidates who have taken admission and have not passed Sanskrit in 12th class prior to admission should pass Sanskrit paper in Ist Prof. of B.A.M.S. Diploma in Pharmacy and Dresser’s course is not equivalent to 10+2 for the purpose of admission to B.A.M.S. Course.
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